Friday, March 30, 2012

The Quadrant System

Before any blog of FGCU's bathrooms can begin, the reader must be familiar with what I have grown to call - The Quadrant System. The Quadrant System divides FGCU into 4 Quadrants. Each Quadrant has been perfected over the course of 7 years to give the reader the best chance to find a clean bathroom anywhere on campus. Each Quadrant has 1 very nice and most likely clean bathroom within a quick walking distance. Please refer to the map to find the designated quadrants.

Throughout this blog I will constantly refer back to The Quadrant System. You should be aware that The Quadrant System was not always so named. Originally there was only 1 clean restroom on campus. Fortunately, FGCU's growth from 4,000 to 15,000 students gave birth to new buildings and new bathrooms. For the next few months I will pass down all of my knowledge of these bathrooms as they stand in the Spring 2012 semester...


  1. In my humble opinion the WGCU building has the finest bathrooms on campus. A clean single stall that still gives the option urinal or traditional toilet. Great for the student looking to enjoy #1 or 2 in a clean private environment.

  2. That is an excellent observation. When I discuss Quadrant 2 I will be sure to bring that up! I have another personal favorite for Quadrant 2 but that is a surprise for a couple weeks from now.
